Youngstown Fire Department Overview Active Stations And Apparatus Overview
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Central Station The downtown Central Station, or Station 1, was opened in 1894 when the Gov. Tod firehouse was torn down at the same location, on Federal and Hazel Sts. It was quite a site to see, as its brown stone masonry and slate roof stood out above almost all other buildings in the neighborhood. On May 21, 1904, a 1,000gpm, 3 horse hitch first size Nott engine is placed in service as Engine Co. No.1 at this station. Later that day, the truck would be one of many used to battle a general alarm fire at the Stambaugh Thompson's Co. fire. By 1914, Hose Company 1, Engine Company 1, Ladder Company A, and Ladder Company B all operated out of downtown. A shift at Central Station saw approx. 25 men ready to go. On April 1, 1932, the Central fire station was closed and condemned. All apparatus were moved to the outlying stations.
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