Youngstown Fire Department Overview Active Stations And Apparatus Overview
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Sources of Calls Sources for the Youngstown Fire Calls section of the website include: (next to each name is the code that can be found next to the call as its source) Joe Lowry, scanner, webmaster, The Unofficial Youngstown Fire Department Website (no code) Greg Ricker, scanner, webmaster, (GR) Incident Paging Network paging system (IPN) FirePage Ohio paging system (FPO) World of Fire Report (WOF) Abbreviations This list of abbreviations are all of those that might appear in fire calls found within the Youngstown Recent Fires and Responses section of the website. Any call that I personally hear on the scanner is formatted similar to the FirePage Ohio calls, and therefore, we use identical abbreviations. Most other calls I find, such as from the World of Fire Report, IPN, or heard by Greg Ricker, are reformatted to the FPO style to create a sense of similarity within the pages. APT - apartment B/O - by orders of BN - battalion chief BLDG - building BLK - block BSMT - basement CIV - civilian COND - condition DWH - doubtful will hold (fire condition) Eng - engine EMS - Emergency Medical Services Evac'd - evacuated EXP - exposure EXT - extensive or extended F/I - fully involved FD - fire department FF - firefighter FL - floor FPO - FirePage Ohio H/L - handline Hazmat - hazardous materials response/ involved HVY - heavy IC - incident commander INT - interior K/D - fire knocked down Lad - ladder M/A - mutual aid MCI - mass casualty incident (6+ injuries) MVA - motor vehicle accident NEG - negative O/S - on scene OMD - occupied multiple dwelling OIC - officer in charge PD - police department REQ - request RESPG - responding S/C - special call SHWG - showing SMK - smoke SQ - squad SRCH - search STY - story U/C - fire under control UNKN - unknown VAC - vacant VAR - various
list last updated 6.23.2001 |