Youngstown Fire Department Overview Active Stations And Apparatus Overview
YFD Bulletin Board (external) YFD Live Dispatch (external) Newsletter (external)
January 2000
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
551 Mistletoe. BOX: Engines 2, 9, 15, Ladder 24, Rescue 33, BN 1, 2. BN 2 on scene
reports Garage well involved, Hydrant right in front of the house. [FPO/230/256/258/D323]
(c). 7:03a.m.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
333 Falls. BN 1 on scene reports fire in a 2.5-story single family dwelling.
Structure is reported to be vacant. BOX: Engines: 2, 3, 7, Ladder 22, Rescue
33, BN 1, 2. Ops: 154.370 & 160.035. 8:09a.m.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
Andrews & Oak Park. Box: ENG 7, 6, 12, LAD 22, RES 33, BN 1, 2. Engine 7 on scene
reports a 2-story multiple dwelling. b/o BN 1 prepare Ladder 22 for
Master Stream. 3:45a.m.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
632 W. Delason. Fire in a 2.5-story single family dwelling. Reported 1 person
still inside the structure. Box: Engines 2, 3, 15, Ladder 24, Rescue 33, BN 1,
2. 9:38p.m.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
Wick & Bissell. Box: Engines 7, 12, 6, Ladder 22, Rescue 33, BN 1, 2.
Engine 7 on scene reports a fully involved structure - reported to be vacant.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
918 W. Laclede. Box: ENG 2, 15, 9, LAD 24, RES 33, BN 1, 2. Fire in a
2.5-story single family dwelling. Ops: 154.370 & 160.035. [FPO/230/256/258/D323]
(C). 5:58p.m.
1/12/2000- 2304 YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Assist Medics. 219 Hollywood. Cos: Eng 2. -2323 YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Truck Fire- I-680 North Bound Near Meridian. Cos: Eng 3, 9. Eng 9 cleared; not needed. 1/16/2000
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
377 Division St. Box: ENG 3, 7, 15, LAD 22, RES 33, BN 1, 2. Reported as fire
in an occupied structure, 2 story single family dwelling. Ops: 154.370 &
160.035. [FPO/256/258/230/D323] (C). 11:14p.m.
1/19/2000 YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Smoke showing. St. Elizabeth Hospital 1W Laundry Room. Cos: Eng 3, 6, 7, Lad 22, Res33cue, BN 1, 2. Time out: 12:52 p.m. Smoke was reported by S33 investing the scene.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
1922 Kensington. Box: ENG 7, 12, 6, LAD 22, RES 33, BN1, 2. Engine 7 on scene reports smoke showing from a 2-story vacant MFD. Engine 12 laying a Supply
Line. [FPO/D323] (C). 9:35p.m.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire at
Truesdale & Oak. Box: ENG 6, 7, 12, LAD 22, RES 33, BN 1 2. Engine 6 on scene
reports smoke showing from a 2.5-story single family dwelling. Ops:
154.370 & 160.035. [FPO/D323] (C). 11:20a.m.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Engine 2 is on
scene of a 2-story vacant wood frame structure. Heavy smoke showing. Engine 15
to lay a Supply Line. Box: ENG-2, 15, 9, BATT-1, 2. [FPO 323, 256, 230, D256]
(C). 11:55a.m.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire in
an occupied structure @ 960 Martin Luther King. Apt.#88. Squad 33 on scene reports smoke showing. BOX: ENG-3, 6, 2, SQD-33, LAD-22, BAT-1, 2. OPS:
154.370. [FPO 323,230,258,D256] (C). 10:36a.m.
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
339 W. Judson. BOX: ENG 2, 15, 9, LAD 24, RES 33, BN 1, 2. BN2 is in Command.
Reported as a 2.5-story single family dwelling filling with smoke. Fire is
under control. Holding all Companies except Engine 15. [FPO/D323] (C).
YOUNGSTOWN, OH: Working fire -
2201 Hubbard Rd. BOX: ENG 12, 7, 6, LAD 22, RES 33, BN 1, 2. Engine 7 on scene
reports fire on the 1st floor of a 2.5-story single family dwelling. OPS:
154.370 & 160.035. Engine 12 laying a Supply Line. [FPO/D323] (C).